New Nordic Smart City Roadmap outlines the way for more sustainable, humancentric, and inclusive cities

The Nordic Smart City Roadmap provides a framework for smart city work in cities and municipalities both in the Nordics and internationally – describing the positive societal effects of smart city initiatives and identifying the principles we will adhere to and the barriers we will work together to overcome. Based on common Nordic values such as trust, equality, and co-creation, the overriding aim is to show how a more holistic and people-centred perspective on what constitutes a smart and sustainable society can contribute to concrete and positive impacts.

The Nordic Smart City Roadmap is presented in connection with Nordic Edge Expo in Stavanger. Director of Nordic Innovation, Svein Berg, will be launching the Roadmap at 8.30 am followed by an open workshop at 12.30 pm. The workshop will discuss how social values, citizen involvement and trust can play a stronger role in tackling societal challenges and how these principles can be implemented in the Nordic and internationally. Read more and tune in on these events here

The Nordic Smart City Roadmap initiative is funded and supported by Nordic Innovation and composed by the following organisations: Nordic Smart City Network, Nordic Edge, Design and Architecture Norway, Demos Helsinki, Danish Design Center, Danish Architecture Center, Bloxhub, Iceland Design and Architecture, Nordic Urban Resilience Institute.

Read a lot more about the Nordic Smart City Roadmap here

Read the Nordic Smart City Roadmap in full here:
